Do you need a change of perspective?

You've come to the right place!

Are you feeling lost and confused?

Is it time for a career change?

Do you need a trusted partner outside of your organization?

Is your goal to nail that talk, presentation, important conversation that's coming up? 

Have you been told you need to strengthen your confidence at work?

Do you want to work on who you are in your relationships?

Have you decided for a new habit?


I say YES to me!

Book my FREE call!

No matter where it is that you want to go, it's all about perspectives. It's about you seeing the perspectives that will unlock you, that will propell you forward, that will prompt you to step into action.

In our sessions, it's my job to pull those perspectives out of you.

In the end, you'll never look back.

It's already happening.

You're here, you've already taken the first step.

You are saying YES to you!


I want to book a FREE CALL and take the next step to saying


In the end, all coaching is very individual so make sure you've got two things right:



Our partnership will be tailor made to your needs, contact me for a FREE EXPLORATORY CALL to 'feel our match' and to start a discussion on what tailor made could look like for you.

I've listed some program base ideas below. In reality, it's always a mix.

All programs start with a free introductory call. This is the basis for establishing our fit and for me to understand your needs. We will discuss the cadence of our sessions, our potential ways of meeting, and other means for making our partnership as successful as possible. After that it's up to you to decide how you want your future to progress.

1-1 Coaching

An individual coaching program with me means having me as your personal sparring partner, dedicated to helping you reach your goals. With me as your trusted and objective companion, you can expect a coaching experience that is ever evolving to fit your needs.

When you choose 1-1 coaching with me it means having a personal companion who shares your journey. I will ensure that you stay on track and make significant strides towards your goals.

What more can you ask for?

Take the leap today and start your journey to success with me!

Executive Coaching

Are you in the position that you need a trusted companion outside of your workplace? Someone you can rely on and confide in? Someone outside of internal politics that is there for you as you maneuver your way forward to your next success?

The foundation for my Programs for Executive Coaching is trust. Confidentiality is a given. We will work closely together with one goal in mind: to make sure you stay on your intended path in brilliance.

In my most successful executive programs I am your shadow, your confidant, your consigliere, which means that I know Where you want to go and How and act as both your sparring and accountability partner, always making sure that you follow throuhg on what you want. In the setup, I follow you tightly, both through 1-1 sessions and in IRL business situations.

Allow yourself a business companion all on your side! 

Decision Making Coaching

Are you facing a difficult choice? Feeling overwhelmed by various options? 

In decision making coaching with me we focus on what's important. We consistently separate the small things from the big things in a way that trains you to do the same thing yourself. You will gain clarity, confidence, and the tools and strategies to prioritize your goals and actions both in your personal and professional life.

When you choose me as your Coach, we will work closely together to explore your goals, values, and beliefs, helping you identify obstacles and make choices that are in line with your authentic self. I empower you to confidently make decisions that will lead to personal growth, fulfillment, and success.

Take the first step towards a more focused and purposeful life today!

Career Coaching

Are you feeling stuck in your current job? Unsure of your next step? Don't know how to make the last development talk feedback translate into reality?

When we enter a Career Coaching Program together, it means that you get a trained professional to guide you towards clarity and confidence in your work aspirations. Whether you're looking to advance in your current role, switch careers, or explore entrepreneurship, together we navigate your career and guide you to achieve your goals.

Every individual has unique needs and aspirations when it comes to their professional journey and when you choose Career Coaching with me, we work tightly together to map yours and to make the most out of your career journey. 

Discover the power of Career Coaching to propel you forward! 

Confidence Coaching

Have you found yourseld in situations lately where you all of a sudden started doubting yourself? Not feeling as sure, as confident anymore? Have you gotten feedback that you need to come across 'stronger', 'surer', more powerful?

Confidence comes from within. It's your presence, what people see and remember you for and it's often a game changer. It's also something that can be worn down slowly , little by little, and all of a sudden you don't know how to grasp it anymore. 

The coaching environment I provide is curious and non-judgmental, a safe space where you can freely express yourself, your fears and your desires and make sure you find your inner confidence and step up into your full power. 

Unleash the confident you with me as a coach! 

Next Level Coaching

Do you feel like something's missing? Like you're not 'there' yet?

When we work together it's all about finding out what that next level you looks like, sounds like, acts like, tells one self. Who is it that you want to be?

Together we'll make a raw inventory of where you are right now, we'll envision who you want to be, and we'll build the step-by-step road map to getting there. Once you are ready for implementation I am you ultimate accountability partner, using that mix of push and pull that we've established you need to take radical step forwards, towards the next level You.

Accelerate your journey using me as your accountability  partner!

Live IRL Coaching

You know how it's sometimes difficult to have a real view on your own performance? Want to have a neutral observer to the work you do? 

One of the most straightforward and powerful tools I use is when I shadow my clients in their business context. This means that I participate as a silent observer in whatever it is my client is doing; planning, meetings, difficult conversations, presentations, on-stage performances. The direct benefit is having an objective part present observing your performance in a neutral way. In many cases I am part of the preparation work as well, focusing on the How of the delivery, making the feedback targeted and very powerful moving forward.

The IRL Coaching can be an active part of larger coaching programs, or used as a one off for specific occasions. 

Benefit from targeted feedback from a silent observer! 

Your Coaching Program

It is absolutely crucial to me as a professional sparring partner to figure out and answer your needs. This is why I want to start with an exploratory call. Through it we'll figure out what you need to get where you want to go. Your Coaching Program is tailored for You.
