Want to make sure your organization is up to par?

You've come to the right place.

Do you share the belief that 'Happy Employees = Happy Business'?

I am here to help you make sure your employees know themselves, how they contribute and that they bring their top contribution to the table. So that they can make your company as successful as it can be.

Change is the only thing that is constant and I want to help you and your company through those changes. Whether you are going through fast growth, change in strategic direction, fast turnover or the rapid movements of the surrpunding world. Not necessarily to make it an easier ride, because there's a lot of hard work to be put in, but for sure to make it a smarter ride. A ride that will accelerate the growth of both your employees and your company. And with that comes great results. 

The typical change processes I work with are:

  • Fast growth - Is everyone on board?
  • New strategic direction - Does everyone understand?
  • High rate of new starters - Does everyone know the What, Why & How?
  • High employee turnover - How to increase retention rates?
  • Implementation of a new department - Where does it fit in?
  • Team feel - How to build the dream team?

Below you will find some examples of How we can work together. But you know what? Let me know what your biggest worries are, what's keeping you up at night, and we'll tailor make the program together. 

Yes! I want to know more. 

Book me a FREE call.

1-1 Leadership Development 

Leadership Development is often used for the attraction, the development and the retention of staff. For your business, it means making sure that your employees deliver at their highest potential.

In my 1-1 leadership development your leaders get me as their personal sparring partner, dedicated to helping them to top performance. Each program is unique per the individual needs. Often, the goals for the program are derived from the development talks. 

The foundation for my programs is trust. Confidentiality is a given. Using an external partner to develop your leaders recognizes the impact of sparring to get further and objectivity to stay clear and is a tool for propelling your employees towards their goals. 

IRL Companionship

In Real Life Companionship is inspired from coaching of athletes. The business reality is the football field and we use it as a training camp; enabling observation from the bench, 'real' feedback and immediate trial of new learnings. 

One of the most straightforward and powerful tools I use is to shadow my clients in their business context. This means that I participate as a silent observer in whatever it is my client is doing; planning, meetings, difficult conversations, presentations, on-stage performances. The direct benefit is having an objective part present observing the performance in a neutral way. I am often part also of the preparation work, focusing on the How of the delivery, which makes the feedback targeted and very powerful moving forward.

The IRL Coaching can be an active part of larger coaching programs, or used as a one off for specific occasions. In either case it's a tool that brings maximum impact to changning behavior for real.

Team Development 

Are you looking for ways to develop your team as a team?

Engaging an external facilitator for any type of team workshop has the benefit not only of new perspectives, it also means that you as the leader of the team can participate with your team, going where you want to go together.

Engaging me as your facilitator means you get a highly experienced, dynamic and intuitive  speaker/moderator. We work together to set up the idea and the objective of the workshop and as we go live, I continuously adapt to fit the needs of the team as I feel them during the session while all the time making sure we get where we want to go with the end product. This is essential to secure inclusion of the whole team and to exhaust ‘difficult’ topics.

I am highly adaptive in the team development and workshop format. Let's get a conversation going so I can understand your needs, as you talk, I'll figure it out and come back with a proposal. 

Want to make sure your team works together in a smart way?

In the Work Smart Workshop we dive into the Why of the team to connect to the How. We identify the team values, and we quantify where the team stands in respect to them, before jointly deciding which values the team wants to increase. 

The practical outcome of the workshop is the identification of the focus values the team has chosen to keep working on in coming sessions as well as the joint statement of where they want to go. Additionally however, the impact on team spirit, that the team view matters and of working together towards a stronger future are substantial.

The Working Smart Together workshop can be adapted from a time point of view, whereas the ideal format is 2-3 hours in an external, informal setting.

Dream Team Training

Team Alignment Check

Do you think your team is aligned? Ready to find out?

Achieving alignment is by no means a given. Clarity of communication, communication tool , the way the receiver interprets the message, filters along the way... There are more than one reason for it not always working out even before we get to political or personal reasons.  

Using a straightforward interview method I can efficiently and suprisingly fast identify the gaps in team alignment. You give me what you are curious to find out, I will get back to you with the team view. If you want to take it a step further, I can address the possible solutions that your team sees. The two basic key success factors of the analysis is confidentiality and using me as an external facilitator. The combination means the results are real and on team view. 

Strategy vs Reality Check 

Are you sure that your strategy is understood in your organization and carried out in practice?

My straightforward Strategy vs Reality Check builds on the concept of a 360 review. In it I perform deep interviews on different levels of the company, aiming to look both top- down and bottom-up to capture what is intended versus what happens in reality.

The starting point is Top Management in order to establish the intentional direction. The next logical step is the Senior Leadership Team to gauge what was understood and what will be trickled down to the next levels. Where we go then depends on what we find and what you want.

Finding Obstacles to Growth 

Do you want to find out what the real reasons are to why you are not growing, and what you could do about it?

Once the Strategy vs Reality Check tells us how it really is, we can take it a massive step further by identifying what it is that is holding you back and ideating ways to unblock and overcome those obstacles to growth. All answers will come from within the organization, translated into actionable insights by me. 

This exercise is deemed as highly valuable not only from management persepective, and most definitely from management and team perspective. It creates a real injection of being heard and listened to plus it makes the organization a part of the solution. These are some of the building blocks of a healthy company culture and the ideal starting poitn for change.

Breakfast Seminars

Want to get your team start thinking of a particular topic in an 'easy' setting?

Offer inspiration in an easily digestable form?

Providing informal settings to meet and think together is a powerful tool to foster team spirit, gauge certain topics and to offer something out of everyday business life. The meetings can be voluntary or mandatory depending on what you want to achieve. They can be virtual or live. With that said, I work with companys who actively use them to offer reason to come to the office, in other words as culture builder.

Maybe you already know which topic you want or you let me figure that out in an introductory call with relevant stake holders. In either case, it's starts with a call. Shall we?


Looking for an inspiring moderator to guide your next company event?

Do you need moderation for particular 'hot topics' in certain groups? 

I get hired as a moderator for mainly two types of happenings:

One is the company event where I bring the energy and inspiration and seamlessly hold things together as per the organizers wish in order for the audience and organizers to be able to focus on being present. In this case I bring energy, inspiration and organization to the table. 

The second one is when I am called in to moderate a more delicate setting, a board meeting, a management meeting or another set of people with different view points. Here, my job is to lead the discussion, bring ease to the process, knwo when to stop discussions, gently push forward. In short getting to the result the group needs to come to within a set timing. I bring leadership and resolve to the table. 

If you have a third variant, tell me, I'll bring it to the table!

Start-Up Coaching

Want to make sure you take one step after the other in the direction that will take you beyond start-up?

One of the most common reasons for start-ups not getting past the start-up phase is that they forget the commercialization aspect, and the other one is that they get lost in the process and forget to move forward.

As a Coach to start-ups I help you address both. I am there as your companion to make sure you take the right steps at the right time, and that you stay in tune with the market. You handle the What, and I will keep you going towards your dreams by addressing the How. 

Brand Positioning Statement

Are you sure your product or service is coming across to the most lucrative target group, where and how it will be the most efficient? 

There are a number of reasons why companies hire me to work with them on their Brand Positioning Statement. One is that they need help to craft it, from more or less scratch. This is often the case for start-ups or small companies, where the founders are or were focused on creating the offering.

The other type of company who hires me is the type that realize that it's been a while since they formulated their Brand Positioning Statement and that the market place may look different now. In these cases I revisit the Brand Positioning Statement, challenge and test it towards the current reality and bring it up to par in close cooperation with the organization.

In both cases these companies benefit immensely and the key success factor is using an external expert with tons of experience from upping the commercial value of offerings, yet none of the internal emotional attachment. The combination is powerful and very efficient.

This is a 100% safe investment - if implementing the result of the analysis wouldn't mean new income, you don't pay.

What else?

What else do you need?

What is the right mix of the concepts for your company?

It is absolutely crucial to me to figure out and answer your needs. This is why I want to start with an exploratory call. Through it we'll figure out what your company needs to get where you want to go. Call me.
